Saturday 7 May 2011

Post Number One

Sorry about the unimaginative title, but at the moment I am waiting for all four of the girls to take themselves to bed together for the first time without any major incidents without getting up every five minutes to check whether they are OK so it's all I could come up with.

Welcome to my blog.  It started out on Facebook where I was logging daily information about how all the girls were.  When I can work out how to upload those posts, I will do, in the meantime, you'll have to make do with this!

To cut a long story short, we have had chickens now for two years and thought it would be a lovely thing to get two new ones, along with a super fine new house.  We thought (rather naively, we now realise) that they would really enjoy being together from the word go, but this has not been the case!  There have been tears and tantrums (from both chickens and myself) over the last month and today is the first day when they (might) go to bed together for the first time.

The four girls are:
Fried (a ginger ranger) - top of the pecking order
Baked (a black rock) - the bully and the one giving us all the trouble at the moment!
Egg (a white star) - the baby of the bunch and despite her name has not laid anything yet
Spoon (a bluebelle) - the prettiest girl but the one that gets bullied a lot

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