Monday 9 May 2011


I have yet to find a pair of pyjamas with chickens on.  Needless to say, if I find any, I will be buying them (in multiple colours if they are available).  This may seem like a little bit too much information, and not even vaguely related to the girls, but since they see me mainly in my pyjamas, it is quite important.  That is not because I spend all day in them (which I would if I could) but because the two times they are guaranteed to see me is first thing in the morning and last thing at night (actually they don't see me at all at night because they are in bed, but that's when I go out to shut them in).

My favourite pair of pyjamas at the moment is my spotty ones.  I should make clear at this point that I never actually buy a pair of pyjamas but buy the trousers and top separately - fully co-ordinating, of course.  So my favourites are actually spotty trousers and a black vest.

Reading that back makes it seem as though I am (a) sad and (b) an old man.  I am not sure that anyone actually uses the term 'vest' any more.  And I suppose trying to make sure that I co-ordinate the outfit when you are simply going to sleep in it is possibly a little bit over the top.

I am, obviously, writing this post in my pyjamas.  Not the spotty ones I'm afraid.  If anyone finds any with chickens on then I would be most grateful if you could let me know.

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