Wednesday 11 May 2011

Baked's comments on The Apprentice

Despite the fact that Fried is the top chicken, that does not mean that she should win everything and I would give her a good run for her money if we were to compete against one another in the boardroom.

That is why it is my turn to comment on The Apprentice today.

First of all I am quite worried about the guy with the funny name that opened the door.  It's 0500hrs and he is wearing a SUIT.  Even chickens are not properly awake at that time, and we are known for being up before anyone else, so how on earth was he ready in his suit?  Does he sleep in the thing?

I'm disappointed that neither group decided to come up with a chicken app.  Something with a variety of noises, perhaps to explain to humans what certain squawks mean e.g. I've laid an egg, get out of my space, give me cabbids etc.  Humans think they understand what we mean but sometimes they are way off the mark. So an app would help with that.

Back to the suit thing.  Someone needs to tell that Leon bloke that you really can't wear a light grey suit with a navy shirt with red stripes on it.  Even chickens don't have colourways that mad.

So the girls did go with a noise app.  Bet you there's not a chicken in sight on it.  Poor show.

So what is the plan?  I could do better with the sales pitch than the rather smarmy bloke who thinks he's gorgeous.  If you don't know the plan, then you really shouldn't be doing the pitch.

That said, their pitch was a lot better in the conference room.  And I for one would have gone for the free doughnuts!  I'm sorry Edna, but your pitch to you and you and you was just too twee.  You're not really helping the girls' corner here.

It is time for me to sign off now so that I don't give away the winner for those who have not watched this episode yet!

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