Sunday 15 May 2011


As the OH and I were having dinner this evening, the subject of SPAM came up.  This was not in relation to either of our email inboxes you understand (this would not be capitalised), but the meat.  We were discussing chickens eating meat.  Which they are allowed to do.  Many people think that chickens are vegetarians, but if you think about it, a worm does not have roots and leaves.  It is most definitely meat.  Earlier in the day I chopped up the remains of a burger that had remained uneaten following a barbeque the previous evening.  To say that the girls wolfed it down is a bit of an understatement.  I think that it might be considered a little inappropriate to feed them chicken :€ but other meats are OK.  Hence the discussion about SPAM and whether chickens might like to eat it.  I for one do not intend to rush out and buy some.  Childhood memories of said food are not good.

The main point of the discussion though was surrounding what the letters SPAM actually stand for, since I cannot believe it is actually a real word.  Here are some suggestions:

Spiced Meat and Ham (supposedly the true definition but Wikipedia suggests otherwise) (but then I don't believe everything that Wikipedia tells me)
Stuff Posing As Meat
Some Parts Are Meat
Specially Processed Army Meat

If you have any other suggestions as to what it might stand for, then please leave a comment!

P.S. The girls will not be eating SPAM anytime soon.

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