Sunday 8 May 2011

Earl Grey Tea

There's a lot of debate about what makes a good cup of tea.  In fact I'm pretty sure that one could write a whole blog on that topic alone (don't worry, I don't plan on doing that).  Does the milk go in first or second?  I'm a milk in second girl myself but don't get too fussy if it's not been served to me that way.  Just having someone making me a cup of tea is nice enough!  What type of tea is the best?  Well for me, it does have to be a nice cup of Earl Grey, or as the OH puts it "perfumed" tea.  His face when he drinks mine by mistake is a picture!  Fried, on the other hand, is quite partial to a drop of Earl Grey and she will also partake in coffee and wine, if offered.

I'm not really sure whether chickens should drink tea.  Or coffee.  I'm pretty sure they shouldn't drink wine, but the odd drop doesn't seem to have done any harm so far.  

I don't really want a tirade of abuse from animal lovers who think I've done the wrong thing.  Chickens will only eat/drink what they want to, so if they choose to drink tea that's up to them.  :)

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