Monday 9 May 2011

Running Order

Night two in the chicken house was again successful, it would appear.  It was Mum's turn to do the honours in the morning and as usual their senses were well honed so they starting scrabbling about like mad when the first of the feeders were put into the garden.

They seem to have established a sleeping pattern and also an exit routine from the Cube when the door is opened.  Fried first (she is chief chook after all), literally flying down the steps, followed by Baked (second in the order is the lowest that she wants to be), then Egg and then Spoon.  Spoon seems to take a more leisurely approach to it all, she will saunter down the steps and ponder life around her before making her way to the feeder.

Oddly enough there were no slugs this morning (but then I did remember to wear my crocs).

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