Monday 23 May 2011


Following on from the previous post, we would like to make it clear that we are talking about the weather, and not the other ... we did like the beans, but Mum says she is not giving us any more.

We don't really like wind.  It blows us all over the place and ruffles our feathers up when we have just preened them.  However, on a positive note, it blows the top off the no-waste feeders which means that we can stick our heads right inside them and get to the tasty bits that way.  However, we have been informed by Mum that she is going to be using something called blootac so that it won't happen again.  We are not sure what blootac is, and we are going to try our best to get the top off anyway.

Fried, Baked, Egg and Spoon xxxx

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