Friday 27 May 2011

Interconnecting Doors

If you were in a hotel room and there was an interconnecting door to the room next door would you:

(a) leave it, it's only useful if you have your children in the room next door
(b) think about trying it and then leave it because the other side is  probably going to be locked anyway
(c) try it, find the other side is open, and walk in on the person next door who is asleep in bed

No prizes for whatever option you chose but whoever was in the room next door when my friend, Moira, took option (c), sorry about that.  And sorry Moira for posting it to the world, but I really couldn't resist.  It made me laugh a lot.

Chickens obviously don't have that problem since they all bundle in the same house anyway.  And they would have problems with locks, they're a bit fiddly.


  1. M is your friend? Hmmmmmmmmm so unexpected! Is she a psychotic killer as expected? ;-D

  2. I use the term 'friend' in a loose way. It wouldn't quite have read the same if I would have described her as 'someone that I only met today in a work capacity' - it would have lost the thread I feel.
    I think that the lady next door survived, so for now I have to assume that she is not of the axe murderer ilk.
