Sunday 22 May 2011

Dr Who

We are trying really hard to understand what is happening in Dr Who.  But to be completely honest, we can't.  We have tried asking Mum and Dad, but they keep muttering "it's not what it was like when I was a child" and "where are the daleks?"

This week there was something called 'flesh'.  You have the original people, but to protect them from acid, you use it to regenerate new workers if they have an accident.  Because of a freak storm, they have now turned rogue and are chasing the original workers around the fortress, whilst listening to Dusty Springfield. Even the doctor has duplicated as well.  

If there are any Dr Who fans out there who could explain what is going on in the series, then please post a comment to let us know.  Mum and Dad would be most grateful as well.

Fried, Baked, Egg and Spoon xxxx


  1. I is confused too! David Tennant is looking very nerdy these days! I think that Amy Pond should be more like a real pond and be stagnant and filled with nothing alive!
    Fricaise, Benedict & Over-Easy

  2. Dear Fricaise, Benedict and Over-Easy

    What lovely names you have! We are guessing that you live in America? It's nice to be able to talk to our cousins over the water. Do your humans look after you as well as ours do? What are your favourite treats?

    Fried, Baked, Egg and Spoon xxxx
