Monday 16 May 2011

How chickens can calm stress

It's been a busy day today; students starting exams, teaching and meetings.  And I'm not really a great fan of Mondays.

All of that fades away though when I get home and the girls are there to greet me.  OK I know that they just love me for the treats I give them, but it's so nice to have them trotting along behind you and jumping for grapes.  It makes the rest of the evening workable :)

It's fair to say that they have, in the past, also caused some stress, but that has also faded now that they are able to take themselves to bed properly.  Spoon still takes her time, but then who wouldn't if in the past Baked had nutted you whenever you tried to get into the Cube?  I'll be popping out in a minute to do the nightly check and shut them in.

So on balance, if you're thinking about getting chickens - do!  The fresh eggs and their inquisitive little faces are worth it (even if those faces do look a little like a velociraptor ...)

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