Thursday 26 May 2011

Exam Marking

We know that Mum is exam marking. There have been no treats for a while. When she is in the zone she forgets about us :( Luckily we know that Dad is free so we are looking forward to treats from him.

Fried, Baked , Egg and Spoon xxxx


  1. Benedict and Over Easy got treats from Daddy but Fricasie was naughty. She lost out. Daddy is so harsh when he's exam marking ;-)

  2. Have you spoken to your union rep about it? I am sure if we got together we could start some kind of protest (peaceful and non-violent of course).

    Fried, Baked, Egg and Spoon xxxx

  3. Long live the capitalist dictatorship that is the world of Over-Easy and Benedict. Fricassee must be subdued and crushed!

  4. I can see that you treat her badly in that you have spelt her name three different ways on your posts you naughty chickens. Make your mind up! (And that is not an invitation to start singing (or drinking) Bucks Fizz).
