Monday 16 May 2011

Exit Procedures

Unlike bedtime, it would appear that there is no order for exiting the Cube in the morning.  I thought there was, but then the girls decided to come out in a different order the next day, and the next, so I have given up trying to work it out.  This morning, it was Baked, then Fried and then Egg and Spoon through the door together.

What I don't understand is this: when I go up to open the Cube in the morning, they are all wide awake, scrabbling around like mad wanting to come out.  And then Baked promptly goes and finds a perch and goes to sleep.  How does that work?

Today I left them chopped up apples as a treat.  They turned their beaks up at them.  But I know that when I get back, they will all be gone.  Fickle creatures!


  1. Dear Fried, Baked, Egg and Spoon.

    Did you write this article?

  2. Dear Anonymous

    It is an interesting article isn't it? It was probably written by our cousins in the USA. Maybe we should start the same thing over here - they seem to be making lots of money so they must have lots of worms!

    Fried, Baked, Egg and Spoon
