Sunday 15 May 2011


For those of you who have been following this blog wanting to know whether bedtime issues have been resolved between us; they have.  We now go to bed very sensibly without worrying Mum.  We have also established who is supposed to sleep where.  Baked sleeps in the egg box.  Fried sleeps in the middle of the Cube with Egg and Spoon on the left hand side.  Sometimes we even snuggle up together, but Baked doesn't join in with that.

That is not to say that things are completely rosy.  There is still some bullying going on, mainly by Baked who likes to chase Egg and Spoon around the garden.  But this seems to be happening less now, so I guess we are all trying to work things out.  We know that there are enough treats to go around and we like making Mum laugh when we all try to jump for grapes at the same time.

Fried, Baked, Egg and Spoon xxxx

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