Saturday 7 May 2011

The Facebook Posts

  • Yeah maybe I was a bit premature....actually the other two were still in the garden - getting wet, with the others in the pen. We are now going to watch Dr Who and leave them to it, without looking....this is going to be tough!
    about an hour ago ·  ·  · 
  • Get the positive vibes going! Baked and Fried in the run the others in the cube - do want them all to go to bed without problem! Maybe the rain will force their hand/foot!
    2 hours ago via iPhone ·  ·  · 
  • Tomorrow night is D-Day - Baked is going back in with the other three - with hopes, prayers and everything else that all will go well ...
    Yesterday at 8:44pm ·  ·  · 

  • The girls took themselves to bed mighty quickly tonight because of the thunderstorm!
    Yesterday at 8:43pm ·  ·  · 
  • Baked in at 2000. By 2020 the other three had gone to bed already. I don't understand chickens. But it does mean I get an early night! :)
    Wednesday at 9:42pm ·  ·  · 

  • No cabbage left at the end of the day. Baked to bed at 2000 (when Egg jumped on the windowsill for the first time). Got darker a bit earlier today so when I looked out to check on the rest they had already taken themselves to bed - good girls! Just Baked to integrate back in at the weekend now ...
    May 3 at 9:35pm ·  ·  · 
  • Four girls out free ranging all day - Baked has already gone mad for the cabbage (that'll be gone very quickly), let's see what mayhem ensues .....
    May 3 at 8:15am ·  ·  · 
  • And they are doing the hokey cokey dance ... one in, another in, one out, another in, then out and shaking it all about. Finally the three are in and settled. I've got to be prepared for this rigmarole to get later and later every night as it gets darker later, but hopefully they will be able to sort themselves out and I can simply shut the pen door on them and walk away ...
    May 2 at 9:08pm ·  ·  · 
  • Baked already in bed, she was a bit pecky over the last hour. Just waiting for the others to do their stuff.
    May 2 at 6:46pm ·  ·  · 

  • They worked it out really nicely ... happy mummy!
    May 1 at 10:25pm ·  ·  · 

  • ‎15 minutes and Baked is back in the cooler. Then the others can work it out for themselves.
    May 1 at 7:28pm via iPhone ·  ·  · 
  • And Egg, Spoon and Fried have made to bed together - on their own - so small steps - progress being made!
    April 30 at 9:26pm ·  ·  · 

  • It's the wind, not Spoon - thank goodness!
    April 30 at 9:25pm ·  ·  · 
  • And I'm also thinking that Spoon has worked out how to get the top of the feeder so she can get straight to the good bits. Completely doomed!
    April 30 at 7:34pm via iPhone ·  ·  · 
  • Egg has not only worked out how to get on the windowsill but also how to climb into the kitchen through the window. We're doomed!
    April 30 at 7:33pm via iPhone ·  ·  · 
  • But I think that she is learning from it .....
    April 30 at 4:07pm ·  ·  · 
  • Baked is not enjoying the cooler experience. I think she knows she's been naughty.....
    April 30 at 1:25pm ·  ·  · 
  • Baked in the cooler. The rest in the cube. Without major incident. RESULT! For tonight at least! Sending out happy vibes that it will continue!
    April 29 at 9:52pm via iPhone ·  ·  · 

  • Baked aka Hilts
    April 29 at 1:50pm ·  ·  ·  · 
  • Baked aka 'Hilts' is now in the cooler. Blood on her beak this morning indicates that she has been well mean to Spoon. We are currently investigating the possibility of somewhere else for her to sleep since the reunion of the girls will not be happening tonight! Perhaps Fried will be OK - watch this space!
    April 29 at 1:43pm ·  ·  · 
  • This morning there are still four chickens although I think that Baked might have been giving Spoon a bit of a hard time before I got up. She's such a bully - I preferred her more docile attitude when she was ill (but not the stress and the vet's bills to go with it, obviously).
    April 27 at 7:58am ·  ·  · 

  • Transfer complete. They sleep in the same place every night so surely the transition from the pen to the coop can't be that difficult - can it? How is it that a ladder and a door causes all these problems? Specially for Annie, the theme music, da-da-da-da-da-da-da, da-da-da-da-daa-daa
    April 26 at 9:54pm ·  ·  · 

  • Morning revealed four chickens, all alive, running around the pen. Operation chooks continues tonight with another transfer up and coming in about 1 hour. Phase Three is due to happen on Friday when we leave them in the pen together in the evening and hope they all make their way to bed without fighting ...
    April 26 at 8:45pm ·  ·  · 

  • Transfer has been made. F&B are now in the Cube, I don't think they really knew what was happening so it's now just the wait until morning and seeing what is happening when they all wake up together ...
    April 25 at 9:58pm ·  ·  · 

  • So the SAS mission starts tonight. F&B are going to be moved in their sleep to the Cube so that they wake up with E&S. I will be monitoring this early tomorrow morning to see that there isn't a bloodbath! We will continue with this for a few days and then see if they can all go to bed together without fights. Fingers crossed!
    April 25 at 7:23pm ·  ·  · 

  • It's getting better ... all four have been out together today without any problems whatsoever ... they have been relaxing together beautifully. Won't count the chickens before they're hatched (lol) because we still have to get them to go to bed together without fighting but at least I have managed to mark four sets of assessments without having to break up a fight!
    April 20 at 8:51pm ·  ·  · 

  • OMG it's been a mare. Baked has been to the vets this week, could have been curtains for her but luckily she can be treated with antibiotics. We've had to separate them, because Baked and Fried are being sooooo bullyish. Really hoping that this can sort out over the next week or so ... Egg is the dipstick of the girls and thinks that she can sleep on the kitchen windowsill with her head in the window ... doh!
    April 19 at 8:17pm ·  ·  · 

  • The saga continues - with improvement! All of them managed to get to bed tonight just about .... Egg still wanted to roost by the bins so had to pick her up to take her to the Cube. Roll on tomorrow!
    April 14 at 10:35pm via iPhone ·  ·  · 

  • Day Three - some progress in the life of the chickens - Egg and Spoon have both allowed themselves to be picked up although I am sure that they didn't mean for this to happen. Pecking still continuing but to a lesser extent and Baked has now been renamed The Bully - it seems that she has taken over as Chief Chicken - they made to bed OK tonight although I was in the run again to help them - please let it get better!
    April 13 at 10:06pm ·  ·  · 

  • Night two in the chook house. Tonight they have all made it into the Cube to sleep albeit with a few nasty pecks from Fried and Baked in the process. However, Egg and Spoon have now discovered the kitchen .... roll on Day three with hopefully not too much nastiness between the girls .... they spent today trying to be in different places!
    April 12 at 9:04pm ·  ·  · 

  • Egg and Spoon have arrived. Egg is now hiding behind the shed and we can't get her out. Spoon is in the new Cube with Fried and Baked - already been pecked by them, so what tomorrow will bring, who knows....we spent three hours out this evening trying to get them to go to bed....they're worse than children .....

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