Sunday 8 May 2011

Things that we like

So Mum is telling you about what we like to drink?  We thought you might like to know what it is we like to eat as well (and also what we don't like to eat so that if you ever come round you don't try to give us it).

We like:
MEAL WORMS (they're our favourite)
Cabbage (lots) (even red cabbage, but there's a poo issue with that)
Sweetcorn when it is on the cob (so we can peck at it)
Grapes (we go mad for them and run when Dad throws them)
Yoghurt (we like to stick our beaks into the pots and spatter it everywhere)
Melon (we like it in chunks but also on the rind so we can dip in when we feel like it)
Spaghetti (because it's like worms - cooked of course)
Couscous (Mum gave us some the other day for the first time and it was very nice)
Sardines (we love fiss, give us more fiss)

We DON'T like:
Asparagus (what is that stuff, it's kind of slimey and apparently makes your wee smell)
Savoy Cabbage (we're not that posh, it's crinkly)
Peas (look even humans struggle with peas on forks, how do you think we feel with beaks?)
Broccolli (and we can't spell it either)
Potato (it's a bit bland)

Yes that's definitely my favourite after meal worms

Yoghurt, what yoghurt?

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