Thursday 12 May 2011

Four disappointed chickens

We were all rather looking forward to the next installment of The Apprentice tonight because Fried said that we would all be allowed to make comments on what was going on.

There we were, all lined up on the sofa waiting for (a) meal worms and (b) for it to start when Mum came in and told us that we needed to go back outside.

We would like to write an official complaint to Sir Alan asking why it is not on tonight.

We were enjoying making comments on the exploits of humans, especially what they were wearing and what they said.  Chickens would appear to lead a much simpler life; we do not need to worry about what we are going to wear and whether it matches, since we already have it on.  When we open our beaks only sensible communication comes out usually related to food, space or laying eggs.

We have been told that we need to wait until next Wednesday before one or all of us can make comments about what is going on.  Clearly either the BBC or Sir Alan or both are not living up to their duty of care to chickens.

Fried, Baked, Egg and Spoon xxxx

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