Tuesday 10 May 2011


We would like to point out that we were very quiet this morning inside the Cube until Mum let us out.  She thinks she knows how we come out but we deliberately came out in a different order this morning to confuse her.  Egg came out first, then Fried and Spoon tried to get out of the door at the same time and Baked sauntered out when she was ready.

However, we would like to make clear our disappointment that on exit, there was NO CABBIDS.  AT ALL.  Granted, there were meal worms (all over) and Mum did put out some nice juicy apples.  We did walk around by the table where the cabbids usually hangs but none appeared and we think that Mum has gone to work now so we know there won't be any today.

Tomorrow we would like cabbids please.  Otherwise we will have to complain to our union.

Fried, Baked, Egg and Spoon xxxx

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