Wednesday 18 May 2011

Dropping people off

On my way to work this morning, I saw somebody being dropped off.  This in itself is not unusual; I am sure that it happens all the time, and since it was in the morning, they were probably going to work.

However, this person was being dropped off from a LORRY which was stopped on a CORNER OF A ROUNDABOUT in a REALLY STUPID POSITION and so everybody else on the road had to take some kind of evasive action to avoid it.  I don't use capital letters very often in my writing.  In the same way as when I am talking I tend not to shout.  But I do feel like shouting a little bit about the SILLY lorry driver who thought it was a good idea to stop there.

Rant over.

Chickens would never stop on the road like that.  They'd find a safer place to do their drop offs.

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