Saturday 14 May 2011

Michael McIntyre

We are a little bit confused.  All this time we thought that Mum was in love with Dad and then, randomly, she tells us that she loves Michael McIntyre!

Thankfully, she has now explained how this works.  Apparently this Michael bloke is really funny.  (That's not to say that Dad isn't but then it's not his job to be funny).  He must be if he poses for pictures as though he was looking at a cabbids and working out the best way to peck it without it coming back and hitting him in the face.  Because he's funny she likes to watch his shows, but she still wants to live with Dad, so that's OK.  This is what she means when she says she loves him.

We had a sneaky look at a show when she was out one day.  We think that he must be part chicken because he questions everyday things just like we do.  Our particular favourite at the moment is the one when he talks about having to walk home because of the snow.  We're not great fans of snow, but then that's probably worth writing about in another post.  The only good thing about it is that Mum might then be at home because she is snowed IN (rather than OUT) (you'd have to watch the Michael McIntyre sketch to understand that one) and she can give us cabbids.

Mum tells us that he is currently judging a talent show.  We think we would be good at that too because we are all very talented so we would know what talent looks like.

Fried, Baked, Egg and Spoon xxxx

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