Sunday 8 May 2011

A comment from Egg

I would just like to say that it isn't really my fault that I haven't laid anything yet.  It's a stressful time being the smallest chicken in the group.  I was at my last house, and I am here, so that's why I will chase away the magpies when they come into the garden, because it makes me feel a bit bigger.  When Mum and Dad came to choose me, I know they didn't want a white chicken anyway, they wanted one of those Speckledy things but the last one had just gone, so they had to have me.  Dad chose me specifically because I was the smallest so I think it's a little unfair that there have been complaints about me not laying anything yet.  Don't they know that chickens don't lay eggs until they are a bit bigger?  Honestly!  Anyway, they are silly calling me Egg.  That means that eventually they will eat Egg's eggs and that sounds really stupid.

I am sure that Mum will keep you posted with the egg thing.  No pressure then.  Maybe they need to remind themselves that in the chicken book it says that I might not lay until I'm 25 weeks old and that is AT LEAST another month away.

In the meantime I am going to stuff my face with worms.

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