Wednesday 25 May 2011

Egg's comment on The Apprentice

I am allowed to comment today because I laid my first egg this morning.  Sir Alan would be proud of me.  Perhaps I could try to sell it for lots of money.  Maybe on Reg-hen-t Street?

Today they need to do something with beauty products.  We don't need any of those because we are all beautiful chickens.  Mum might do though.  (Only joking Mum).

That tanning spray looks like the anti-peck spray that Dad put on me once.  It did give me a bit of a tan but it smelt horrible and didn't really work.  But at least it wasn't as expensive as the stuff they are trying to sell.

The winning team got a really great prize.  I wonder if they are going to learn the Snail Dance?

I realise that we need to make an apology.  We have been calling Alan Sugar Sir Alan.  Of course he is no longer this person.  He is now Lord Sugar.   Many grovellings and you can have my egg if you like.

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