Sunday 8 May 2011


Are really gross.  I'm sorry but there's really no nice way to put it.  They are slimey and you can't tell which end is which.

In the past, the girls would walk past a slug, so much so, that in wet weather we'd be overrun with them and have to bring the run feeders in otherwise they would end up covered in slugs.  Sometimes, in the morning (it being the morning and all) I would inadvertently step on one, and feel that squelchy mulchy feeling underfoot (even worse if I thought I could get away with going out with no shoes on).

However, nowadays, it seems as though they have become a rather tasty titbit.  Fried relishes them.  But what with them being as slimey as they are, they tend to leave a whole load of slime around the beak which is then picked off by one of the other chickens.  If you are reading this while eating, I do apologise, but it's all natural behaviour and since this blog is in the main about chickens, it's relevant information.  This does help us with the slug/feeder problem, but only of course if the number of chickens eating slugs balances the number of slugs out there.  We haven't seen the others eating them yet, so it may be that the ratio is still in the slugs' favour.

For those of you out there that are teachers, this is the part of the blog where I have achieved the numeracy strand of my profession by mentioning things like ratios.  For everyone else, ignore what I have just written because it probably sounds a bit weird.

I have chosen not to upload a picture of a slug because that would be a bit too much.

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