Monday 9 May 2011

A comment from Spoon

I am able to write this post because I am always the last to go to bed.  This is because in the past the other chickens have given me a hard time, so I have figured out that the best tactic is for me to wait for them all to go to bed and then crawl in later.  There's more than enough room for us, and the big fat one sleeps in the egg box anyway so there's no issue there.  They have all gone to bed already, lazy chickens.

It also means that I can get the best of the grubs that often come out later in the evening.  I'm a bit partial to those ones that snuggle down between the bits of gravel in the garden and think they're safe.  Not from my beak, they're not ...

Of course I know that my Mum is worried about me because she doesn't like it when the others bully me.  But I'm getting bigger now and can hold my own, so she really doesn't have to fuss so much.  Sometimes I think she's making a fuss because she wants to go to bed herself, but she'll just have to wait because I haven't finished with the grubs yet.

1 comment:

  1. Spoon. Daddy here. I know that you are quite a clever little pumpkin head and that you deliberately wait for the others to go to bed before you do. Grubs and slugs abound in the twilight hours and whilst Baked et al get into the cube first they certainly do miss out on all the rich pickings you are enjoying prior to snoozes. Mummy does nto have to worry about you. You are definitely getting bigger and Baked will soon get bored of chasing you. x x
