Tuesday 10 May 2011


I'd like to take this opportunity to say that my favourite pair of shoes at the moment are my bright pink crocs.

I didn't always like crocs, to be honest, I did think that they looked rather silly, especially with shorts.  Since I am not a great wearer of shorts (being a bit challenged in the height department and dumpy and all) I suppose I shouldn't really have worried so much.  

However, since having gone through a large number of pairs of slippers in my forages in the garden to check on the chickens, I realised that having a pair of shoes that was (a) comfortable (b) wearable with socks or no socks (c) wearable as 'downstairs shoes' and (d) waterproof and cleanable was actually quite a good idea.  Out went the cream slippers which had turned into brown slippers more times than I care to remember.  In came the above (internet picture, not my actual shoes).

Now, at this point, I do have to confess that I am using the name 'crocs' because that is what everyone calls them.  I should not technically be doing this.  Because rather than paying the going rate for a pair of crocs, I simply popped into Primark and bought a pair of 'croc-style' shoes for £2.  Therefore they are not really crocs.  But the title 'Plastic Shoes' would not really have worked for this post.  

I am hoping that a lawsuit will not follow as a result of misrepresentation on this post.  Being a Mum to four hungry chickens who like lots of things, I can't afford to pay costs.  So please nice croc people let me off on this one, and see it as positive advertising for your shoes.

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