Friday 13 May 2011

Why it would be better for chickens to do the driving

I only reflect on this because it seems that people find the whole car thing quite difficult.  Especially in the car park at Tesco.  I went there this evening because I had to buy some more cabbids.  The girls had texted me earlier in the day to say that they had run out.  Bearing in mind that my local Tesco (nay a Tesco Extra) has a very big car park, I found it quite remarkable that one person still felt it necessary to stop their car outside the main entrance to the shop, where the thing that looks like a conservatory is, blocking the road.  Obviously their OH was inside the shop and they were waiting for them to come out.  This I can understand but why could they not pull up in the nice parking bay less than 100 metres away that has been specially created for people who want to pick up their OHs?  It even has a special sign on it that says 'Pick up only'.  Or even the free parking space that was less than ten metres away from the front of their car?

If you are sensing that I am perhaps a little rankled by this behaviour; I am.  I cannot understand why people can, at times, be so LAZY.  Supermarkets provide those nice things called trolleys nowadays which means that you don't have to lug your shopping to your car; you can wheel it there.  And both of the available spaces where said driver could have parked were right next to a trolley park so it's not as if they would then have had to walk very far to deposit their trolley.

Did I say anything?  No, of course not.  The driver looked a bit scary, to be honest.  So I thought I would just let out my frustration here instead.  Sorry about that.

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