Tuesday 19 July 2011

Why we like being chickens

There are lots of reasons.  To start with, we get up bright and early and then go to bed when it gets dark so we get the most that we can out of the day.  We free range all day, get normal food and treats and can root around for grubs as well.  Most importantly, there is nothing in our house that can go wrong.  Like a water cylinder for example.  The news from the human house of doom is that while someone can come and fix it soon, the people who make the water cylinder can't deliver it for another two weeks and that means that Mum is going to smell for a while longer.  Luckily she has showers at work and nice friends so it's not as bad as it seems.  But it does make us realise that it is nice being a chicken.

Fried, Egg and Spoon xxx


  1. Don't scoff you naughty Chickweeds, things can go wrong in your house. Things like the ladder suddenly not being there and things like the door being closed. What would you do then??

  2. We would just jump out if the ladder wasn't there and we would use our beaks to prise open the door if it was shut, silly!
