Saturday 30 July 2011


We have become known in our holiday location as the 'hole makers'.  Sarah told Mum (and Dad via Facebook) that we were very good at creating holes.  It only took us about two hours to create a new one when she moved our run.  She told Mum that other chickens didn't make holes as big as ours and thought that we were funny!

As soon as we got home, that was the first thing we did.  We made some nice holes in our dustbath and then made some more in our run.  One of them was so deep that Mum couldn't see Egg when she stood in it!

We thought you might like to see a picture of where we have been staying, courtesy of the website.  We had a nice Cube at the back under the trees.

When Fried and Baked stayed at Christmas they had one of the Eglus at the front.  Except it was covered in snow at the time.

Fried, Egg and Spoon xxx

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