Tuesday 5 July 2011

When is egg time?

Or perhaps that should be Egg time.  Normally, as far as I am aware, chickens lay eggs sometime in the morning and then go through their normal routine of eat, poo, snooze, make a mess of the garden, repeated several times.  However, today, for some strange reason, Egg decided that around 1830 was a reasonable time to lay an egg.  I thought that she was going broody again, but apparently not.

Fried seems to have gone off the boil again for now.  Excuse the pun....


  1. Good egg! Are you making those funny whirlygig noises when you have food from the hand?

  2. No I have stopped making them now. I like the word whirlygig though. It sounds like what the cabbids does on the string.
