Saturday 9 July 2011

The things I do for love

It's been raining today.  No, I mean really raining.  At one point it was like a monsoon and reminded me of the rains of 2007 when I was stuck in school because of the floods (but that's another story).  With rain comes slugs, which have been discussed in a previous post.  As you know, I really don't like slugs.  But I know that the girls do.  Hence, when I went into the shed to refill the mash container, and saw that there were some slugs eating some of the mash that had dropped on the ground I thought that they might like them.  So I picked them up and put them through the bars of the pen so that they could have an evening supper.

Next time I do that, someone needs to tell me to wear rubber gloves.  The slugs stuck to my fingers and left slime all over them which continued to stick like glue even after washing my hands three times.  If I was of a squeamish disposition it is more than likely that I would have barfed.  It was one of the most disgusting experiences that I have encountered and I have had a few ...

Alternatively, I'll just get Dad to do it ... :)

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