Saturday 9 July 2011

Why it might seem that chickens are ungrateful


1. They have a playhouse to shelter in from the rain which I bought specially for them, drove quite a long way to get, put it into the car and put it up in the rain, which their Dad moved to a new spot, which they have not used ... at all ... except for the photo which I set up by throwing worms into the playhouse.
2. They have a very nice canopy that Dad constructed for them with the old summer shade that had been on the Cube run, but was replaced with a new winter shade, so he put hooks in the wall and everything so that they had a canopy to shelter under, which they have not used ... at all.
3. They have a 2m run on their Cube, with winter shades on both parts, and the bit under the Cube, under which to shelter, which they only use if they are actually shut into the run, otherwise they do not use it ... at all.

Instead, they continue to shelter under the bbq.

That said, they are related to dinosaurs and I don't suppose that dinosaurs had things like playhouses and canopies so they might not understand these concepts.  But then I'm pretty sure that they also did not have bbqs either ....

You can't help but love chickens!

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