Tuesday 5 July 2011

How I can get Mum to give me more worms

I have discovered a way of getting Mum to give me more worms.  I tried it last night and I think I might try it again this evening.  What you have to do is this: wait for the others to go to bed and wonder round the garden (this is normal for me anyway).  After about five minutes come down to the patio and make noises that sound like, 'I'm not going to bed but maybe I'll roost down here'.  This will make Mum come out of the kitchen because she thinks you are going to settle where you shouldn't and she will try to persuade you to go back to the run.  To do this she needs worms.  This means that I get more worms.  The downside to this is that the others can also get them because Mum puts them in the run.  And then she shuts the door.   But to be fair, it was bedtime anyway so it wasn't all that bad.

Spoon x

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