Monday 15 August 2011

Who is the best chef?

Now of course, the answer should be Dad.  But there are two others that are close contenders and are quite good on TV.  The first makes really good food and Mum and Dad like using his recipe books a lot.  The second has a really good TV series (with rather a lot of rude words in) and likes saying 'it's raw' a lot.

So, let's put them out there and see what you think ...


We like both of them, but as we say, Dad is the best (except when he cooks monkfish).

Fried, Egg and Spoon xxx


  1. The best chef...... is........ Hippo Dwarf!

  2. It is true that eye lyke my fud. but i yam two smal to cuk it. Dad dose it. so that maykes hymn the best cuk.

    Hippo Dwarf x
