Wednesday 3 August 2011

There is no longer anything big in the hall ...

... except Mum's backside ... only joking, Mum :)

The water cylinder is now in the cupboard under the stairs and is being fitted by an engineer as we write.  He did come and say hello to us, but I don't think he really understands chickens.  He seemed to think that we were something to eat and mentioned roast potatoes.  Surely people only eat those oval things that come out of our bottoms; they don't actually eat chickens ... do they?

Anyway, he is working on the water pipes and there is an electrician coming tomorrow to do the rest.  There will be hot water tomorrow evening.  No more smelly Mum!

Apparently the old cylinder (which is outside the front door in pieces) had been leaking for a while.  A while being a year or so ... crikey!

Fried, Egg and Spoon xxx

1 comment:

  1. That might account for the low water pressure little chickweeds? Now perhaps your house and the bikes and the decking and the bricks can be really power blasted!!
