Friday 26 August 2011

Can chickens knit?

We are not really sure.  We think that there might be a bit of a problem with the needles and holding them and all.  Also, the wool looks rather like spaghetti and we might well end up eating the wool instead of knitting with it.

Mum thinks that she might give it a go.  She went to her friend's new wool shop today for a sneak preview - it opens officially tomorrow.  She bought some wool and she has been trying hard to follow a pattern this evening.  She has knitted about five rows so far.

Should you need any wool, or need some knitting advice, don't come to Mum.  Go to her friend instead:

Fried, Egg and Spoon xxx

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you are bing made some warm woolly hats in preparation for the winter?
