Wednesday 24 August 2011

What qualifications do you need to get into the SAS?

I only ask because I think that Egg has been studying on the sly to do it.

Bearing in mind that she is currently broody (yes, still), we have been shutting off the nest box at night so that she can't make a bee-line for it as she usually does at regular intervals during the day.  We do this by putting a plastic lego box in the nest box, with the lid jammed up against the hole between the roosting bars and the nest box.  This has worked in the past ... until tonight.  On checking the state of play at bedtime, we found not only Egg, but also Fried in the nest box.  Egg was comfortably stationed IN the box that was used to block, while Fried was scooched down the side of it.  The lid had been pushed out the of the way ....

(If I was going along religious lines, then it would link in very nicely with the Easter story here, and the the account of the stone that had been rolled away, but I think that a more, non-religious explanation is more appropriate).

I can only conclude that Egg has been getting lessons from an organisation such as the SAS or similar.

We are going to have to come up with a more cunning plan tomorrow night ...

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