Saturday 20 August 2011

What qualifications do you need to be a midwife?

I only ask because it seems that Fried has also taken to being broody - along with Egg, who seems to be making a habit of it (three times in as many months).  Fried spent rather a lot of time with Egg in the nest box this morning and when I turfed them both out she decided to seek refuge in the ... dare I say it ... playhouse ... she climbed in through the window since I had been shutting the door most days since they had not previously been using it.  Am I pleased that she used it?  Yes.  Am I pleased that she used it because she might be broody?  No!

I was rather hoping to break Egg of her broodiness rather than get Fried to join in with her.

Anyway, I am not sure whether I now need to get qualified in midwifery, or whether I can work on breaking both of them over the next few days.

Spoon, take note.  If you start doing it too, I'll have to take on reinforcements i.e. your Dad.

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