Friday 19 August 2011

When is a chicken like a monkey?

When she is called Spoon.

She has just sorted herself out ready to go to bed, climbed up the steps to the Cube, looked up at the house, noticed that there was a light on in the lounge (i.e. someone is there) and promptly jumped off the steps, ran down the garden and is now making a noise like a goose (but acting like a monkey) outside the kitchen window.

I am not sure whether to ignore her and let her work it out for herself (more noise and not going to bed for another 15 minutes) or to go outside with some worms and persuade her back to bed (can then shut the run door and she won't make any more noise until about 0545 tomorrow morning).

Worms it is.  Signing off for now to do bedtime duty.

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