Tuesday 20 September 2011

Where are the fiss?

Mum told us at the weekend that she was going fissing today.  We thought that this was a nice thing and hoped that she would bring us some fiss back or at least some maggots.

She came back with no fiss.  Or maggots.

She told us that it was too wet to go fissing.  We don't really understand that.  As far as we know, fiss live in water and so it can never be too wet to go fissing.

She also told us that even if the weather had been nice enough to fiss, apparently you have to put the fiss back after you have caught them, and so she would not have been able to bring any back.  Again, we don't really understand that.  If you catch something, surely you would want to keep it?  It's like going into the supermarket and picking something up, paying for it, and then putting it back on the shelf.  That's just stupid.

So we have lost out big time, and are soaking wet into the bargain.  Not a good day.

Fried, Egg and Spoon xxx

P.S. Perhaps we should not seem so hard done by.  We were given worms this morning, and some apple and Mum just gave us cheese.


  1. Good Chickweeds. Daddy is watching Leeds v The Scum on Sky. x p.s I am having fiss later!

  2. We are watching it in our house. We have run a cable off the sky dish while Mum wasn't looking. Come on Leeds!

    Fried, Egg and Spoon xxx

    P.S. Save some for us!
