Saturday 10 September 2011

How big is the biggest onion in the world?

We don't know, but Mum says that she saw some pretty big ones at the Onion Fayre today.  Here's a flavour ...

This is the First Prize onion in the single largest onion section.  You can see some of the other exhibits behind it.

This is the First Prize in the biggest three onions section.  They are quite big and if you used them in a curry you'd feed a fair amount of people.

They don't only do onions, they also do leeks (and garlic, but there's no picture of the garlic).

Mum liked the section where people had to make animals out of the onions.  The first prize was this rather nice spider.  If we found one that big, we'd be stuffed for ages and we wouldn't have to fight over it.

This is quite a cute one.  We don't think we'd like to eat an elephant so much though.

Mum thought this one was the cutest but was a bit confused because there isn't an onion (or leek or garlic) in sight.

Mum got back just in time because it has just started raining like crazy and we are hiding underneath the bbq.

Fried, Egg and Spoon xxx

P.S. Mum found out about the onion for us.  The heaviest onion in the world weighed in at 16.52lb.  That's a big onion.  That weighs more than all of us put together!

1 comment:

  1. That's a giraffe little Chickweeds. So there were no chicken shaped onions then - shame. x
