Monday 19 September 2011

When is a fireguard not a fireguard?

When it is a plant protector. 

The girls in their wisdom have decided to go for a plant that they have not even been remotely interested in in the past.  This is a problem on two levels.  One; I have grown this particular plant from a baby plant that my Mum gave me and I quite like it.  Two; it is poisonous to chickens.  I have cordoned it off with chicken wire but this doesn't look very nice, so I thought that a fireguard around it might do the trick.  Someone from work is bringing one in that she doesn't use any more (and doesn't mind me using in the garden) (she's got chickens too so she understands).

When said guard is in place I will take a picture and post it since I know that readers of this blog will be desperate to see what it looks like.


  1. The Chickweeds will just put on their asbestos suits and scoff away.

  2. More cabbids pleyse mummy and we will not eet yower plantz.
