Wednesday 21 September 2011

Bacardi anyone?

No, Mum is not turning to drink in the middle of the week.  This is the name of another horse that she was riding today.

She very much enjoyed her lesson today and would like everyone to know that she almost got into a canter.  Bacardi thought better of that.  But they did do some jump trot things over a pole and the circle things again.  

On the down side, she has discovered that she is, in fact, allergic to horses.  So she has had to go and buy some magic pills to take to stop her itching and sneezing.  She's not going to let a little thing like that stop her!

Fried, Egg and Spoon xxx

P.S. It is getting so dark at night now that Mum puts us to bed before she goes for her lesson.  We set the alarm especially so that we could write this post.  We are going back to sleep now.


  1. Good post Chickweeds. You do need your sleep. x

  2. Mum seems intent on trying out all of the horses in the stable!
