Friday 9 September 2011

The return of the kitchen door issue

Chickens would appear to have an internal time clock.  It's a magic thing.  As soon as I return home from work there are three chickens waiting at the kitchen door.  In fact, they are at the kitchen door when I turn the key in the lock of the front door and I can hear them telling me that they know that I am back from work and are waiting for me to open the kitchen door as I walk through the house.  So I do.  And I am faced with three chickens falling into the kitchen in a feathery heap.  No longer do they wait outside the door, they wait pretty much attached to the door so that when it opens they have nowhere to go except in a heap inside the kitchen.

And then of course there is the issue of getting outside to give them some treats.  They know they are coming.  They know that they are coming from me.  They want them lots.  Hence they attach themselves to my ankles and it makes it nearly impossible to walk anywhere to distribute the treats.  It's cute; but a little difficult to move.

I am wondering if I should construct some kind of secret passage from the toilet round to the back of the house so that I can bypass the kitchen door/ankle issue.

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