Wednesday 1 June 2011

An update from Baked

I have been put in a box today and taken a trip to the vets because I was not very well.  Mum and Dad were worried about me.

It turns out that I am really not very well at all.  I have some fluid around my abdomen which could be lots of things all of which sound horrible.  The vet said something like 'the prognosis isn't very good' but I don't know what that means.  Apparently Mum and Dad have to give me some auntie bioticks and some auntie inflamatories for ten days to see if I get better.  The vet did say that it could come back.  Mum and Dad looked sad.

They have given me one lot of my medysin and I have perked up a bit but still would like to go to bed early, so I just might.

I am sure that Mum will keep you posted on how I do.  I am very strong and very stubborn so I don't think you are going to get rid of me just yet.  Besides, The Apprentice is only half way through so I need to watch to the end to be able to make comments on what is happening.

Baked x

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