Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Spoon's comment on The Apprentice

Well, this is certainly an interesting programme.  Once more, they have not even considered the possibility of creating a magazine about chickens, or for chickens.  (Although, as an aside, there is already one out there which is really good called 'Your Chickens' - Mum gets it).

They really have gone for opposite ends of the spectrum and early indications are unclear about which is most likely to be successful on the street.  However, it is about advertising so that's where they need to work hard.  Not being in advertising myself (chickens tend not to do too much of that) I am not sure what a 'rate card' is.  I am going to ask Mum to look it up on the internet.

She has come back to me.  Apparently this is something that shows the rates for advertising, which is what you would pay for an advert, which differs with the size of the advert.  I am guessing that they should be negotiating these rates, not just sticking to what they started with.

Can I just say one thing about Natasha?  How many times do you need to say 'Yeh'?  STOP!  You sound stupid!

I really can't call this one right now.  Are they both too patronising?  Is the lad's mag too boobish?  Is the old people's mag too fogeyish?

They really should have gone with chickens.

Spoon x

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