Saturday, 18 June 2011


We have been playing in our playhouse a little bit.  Mum bought it back this evening; it was raining when she put it up which was a lot of fun for her.  Shame it's too small for her to shelter in as well.

She has put a nice plank in it so we can perch on it, and the food can stay dry on the floor.  We think that maybe it could also face the house, if Dad moves the bbq, but we'll let him decide about that.

We like the little lantern that is hanging outside the door.  It makes it look like the front of Mum and Dad's house and gives it a bit of character.

Fried, Baked, Egg and Spoon xxxx

1 comment:

  1. Cute!! Looks like Fried and Baked are already 'bossing' the space.
