Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Fried's comments on The Apprentice

It has been interesting watching tonight.  There was no consideration AT ALL about the possibility of creating a new food for chickens.  Considering that there are more chickens around than both cats, dogs and humans, I think that a trick has been missed here.

On a fashion note, someone needs to tell Vincent that you really shouldn't wear brown shoes with a grey suit.  And then wear a blue and white striped shirt with it.  He might be able to talk the talk, but he can't wear the wear, can he?

On the dog advert, I would like to point out that I could jump higher than that dog.  He clearly hasn't had to jump for leaves very often like I have.

There are too many doobel intenders in the cat advert for me to understand.  And too much poetry going on.

Someone also needs to tell the funny lady that looks like she is sucking a lemon that she needs to change her face.  But then her team has just lost, so I suppose she would look like that.  I just don't understand why her face has to be like that all the time.

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