Monday, 13 June 2011

Red Top Fly Trap

Now for an ad break.  Following on from the previous post, chicken poos tend to attract flies.  If you want to get rid of them (the flies, not the poos) then I highly recommend the following product (to get rid of the poos, you have to manually sweep them up, I'm afraid).

You see the picture in the top right hand corner?  The top black layer is flies.  Dead ones.  Not that I am trying to be gruesome or anything, but this little baby can kill 20,000 flies.  That's a lot.  I'm pretty sure that the one at the top of the garden, which is doing a sterling job, has about 5,000 in it already.

The only thing is that you have to put it well away from the house because the way in which it works is that it attracts the little beasties with the most awful smell.  But it works brilliantly.

If you are a Buddhist and reading this post, I'm sorry that I have broken one of the Precepts by putting this product in the garden.  But it does make it a more pleasant environment ....

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