Sunday 5 February 2012

What is wrong with BMWs?

I haven't got anything against BMWs in themselves.  Or those that drive them.  After all, there used to be a BMW living here once.  What I just don't understand is that when traffic has stopped because of the bad weather (and a jack-knifed lorry) it is the BMW drivers that think that they can storm up the hard shoulder past you (not that you know it is the hard shoulder with the whole motorway covered in snow).  And then they slip and slide all over the place.

Why they don't just wait along with everyone else, and then drive SLOWLY so that they don't slip, I just don't know.  This clip was shot on the M40 at about 0030hrs, when I was actually supposed to be at home already tucked up in bed.  It took us another 3 hours to get home ...

P.S. To be fair to BMW drivers, it was also those that drove Audis that did the same thing.  And they also slid all over the place ...

1 comment:

  1. Hilarious!! Serves the chuff right. Chickweeds would not be so silly - they would just curl up and huggle to sleep! x x x
