Monday 6 February 2012

On a positive note ...

... when Mum got back tonight from riding her face looked normal.  Perhaps she is not so allergic to Narnia as she is to the other horses.  On a negative note her bottom is now slightly mis-shapen.  This is mainly due to the fact that as she was trying to get ON to Narnia, she ended up coming OFF instead and landed rather clumsily on said bottom.  It had to happen sometime, and she did get straight back on again.

Narnia obviously thought that it might be fun for Mum to fall off again, so she kept kicking her back legs out to try to get her to do it, a bit like the one below.  It didn't work though, Mum held firm!  :)

Fried, Egg and Spoon xxx

1 comment:

  1. Narnia needs a telling off! Chickweeds, go with Mum next time and do the necessary. x x x
