Sunday 26 February 2012

Ham and Eggs?

Ham, yes.  We love ham.  Mum found some in the fridge and gave it to us as a treat.  Spoon made those funny noises that chickens make when they are really happy while she was scoffing it.

Eggs, no.  We appear not to have laid any today.  Or at least none that Mum can collect.  Only soft shelled ones, including one from Fried on the patio that we ate up after she laid it.

Perhaps there is a correlation between treats and eggs.  We know that too many treats means that we lay more softies.  But not enough treats just isn't fair.  But we also know that we get less treats when Mum is at work, so we aim to return to normal egg laying tomorrow, or perhaps the day after ...

Fried, Egg and Spoon xxx

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